INVESTORINNEN.COM @ Investors Summit | ViennaUP’21

Werde Teil von Europas Investorinnen Netzwerk und erhalte Zugang zu einem internationalen female-focused Dealflow! 🤝
Wir hosten am 5. Mai eine online Session, die weibliche Business Angels und VC-Investorinnen aus ganz Europa connected. Die interaktiven Breakout Sessions und anregenden Fireside Chats sind deine Chance dein Netzwerk auszubauen und Co-Investorinnen zu finden während du Europas top female-led Businesses kennenlernst.
Date: May 5th
Start: 11:30 CET
Duration: 2,5 h
Location: online – B2Match / Zoom
Language: English
Register now!
Ladies, where is the money?
Why female investors are a gamechanger for the European tech ecosystem.
You are a female Business Angel or VC Investor and want to get connected with your international peers while getting access to Europe’s most interesting female-led ventures? Then join us on May 5th! Our online session is your opportunity to grow your international network of women in the investor scene, find co-investors and gain access to a female focused dealflow. 🤝
You’re thinking about getting started as a female Business Angel or VC Investor but don’t know how? 💸🚀 Then get the chance to meet some of Europe’s most active women in the investment scene – learn from their experience, get access to their dealflow and chat about your personal objectives in our online session on May 5th. Insightful Fireside Chats and interactive Breakout Sessions will enable you to take your first steps as an investor.
Register now!
PS: participation is for free!